Sunday, August 18, 2019

By Faith

The scriptures include Hebrews 11:29-12:2.  It was preached on August 18, 2019 at Presbyterian Communities Vespers service in Florence that afternoon..

By Faith

A few years ago, before seminary,

I took a course where I had the opportunity

(and the challenge)

of reading the entire Bible in less than a year.

When beginning in Genesis, a very long book in itself,

one wonders how long it may take to get through

the entire Old and New Testaments.

For me, Numbers in the Old Testament was probably

the most challenging book to get through.

My favorite book of the Bible was Hebrews.


It connects the Old Testament and the New through Jesus;

Jesus is seen through the eyes of the Old Testament

as Jesus is the new covenant between the people and God.

The book of Hebrews is about faith;

faith which is active in obedience.

Faith endures.

God’s love for people continues and

Jesus brings a new covenant.

The faith begun in the Old Testament is fulfilled in the New;

God’s love embodied in Jesus.


This is a common greeting in Hebrew

used for both ‘hello’ and ‘goodbye’.

However the meaning of this Hebrew word is peace.


harmony, wholeness, completeness,

prosperity, welfare and tranquility.


So what does ‘peace’ mean to you?

Peace and quiet.

Peace of mind.

Peaceful rest.

How about the peace in the enjoyment of God’s gifts?

Feeling the presence of God?

How about faith?

The scripture from Hebrews this morning

highlights the phrase ‘by faith’.

 By faith the people passed through the Red Sea

as if it were dry land, but when the Egyptians

attempted to do so they were drowned.

  By faith the walls of Jericho fell after

they had been encircled for seven days.

 By faith Rahab the prostitute did not perish with those

who were disobedient, because

she had received the spies in peace.

She had received the spies in peace /in Shalom.

The faith of the Israelites,

their faith in God was stronger than Israel’s opponents.

By their faith they were righteous, obedient, and

were willing to take chances and have hope.

The book of Hebrews reflects the historical memory

of the Israelites,

remembering the early ancestors, the patriarchs,

the prophets, and those who answered God’s call.

Something else to note about the book of Hebrews,

it is not written as letter to a church in a specific location.

Hebrews is a sermon, a sermon on the subject of faith,

the endurance of faith.

Moses and the Israelites wandered in the wilderness

and died before they reached the promised land.

They believed in God’s promises without seeing them fulfilled.

It was another generation who crossed the Jordan.

That original generation, the ones who left Egypt,

journeyed by faith.

Their hope for something better was not just for them,

but for the next generation

and the next.

Moses began the journey, then Joshua continued it.

Faith sustains.

Faith endures.

They were part of the cloud of witnesses.

Those who came before.

Those who begin the journey and

give others a path to follow.

You and I are a continuation of that journey.

We look to our cloud of witnesses….

As you look around this community of faith

think about all those who have been here before you;

they have sat in the pews before you,

other men and women living together in unity,

praising God, supporting each other, learning and teaching;

all in faith;

Former residents

Those who have passed on to God’s heavenly kingdom,

those who may have supported you,

family and friends.

All those who have led you to this point on

your journey of faith.

In faith,

for their times and the present times;

In faith

of what is done now and done for future generations.


Enables believers to persevere in the midst of suffering.

Faith, as defined in the first verses of chapter 11 of Hebrews,

Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for,

the conviction of things not seen.

 Indeed, by faith our ancestors received approval

 By faith we understand that the worlds were prepared

by the word of God, so that what is seen

was made from things that are not visible.

Faith in the presence of God.

God is present in our lives and in the world.

That conviction of things not seen

and assurance of things hoped for.

Faith and Shalom.

The prophet Jeremiah asks a couple of interesting questions.

23 Am I a God nearby, says the Lord, and not a God far off?

24 Who can hide in secret places so that I cannot see them?

says the Lord. Do I not fill heaven and earth? says the Lord.

God fills heaven and earth.

God, the Creator, is in touch with every aspect of creation.

God is able to discern all that happens.

God is transcendent.

And God is both near and far.

God is hidden (not fully revealed) from human beings,

but human beings are not hidden from God.

Think about that a moment.

God is hidden (not fully revealed) from you and me,

yet, we are not hidden from God.

What are some of the ways we express how we know God?

By anthropomorphizing God:

Those phrases you and I use to express God in human terms and

giving God human form and traits.

This is our way to comprehend the incomprehensible.

Yet, the reverse is not true. God, our Creator knows us!

Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you.

The prophets in the Old Testament were led by their faith:

faith in God

faith in the hopes for the future

faith for the promise of something better.

And something better came forth in the New Testament.

Someone to blaze the trail for others to follow,

a perfect example,

a better hope,

a better covenant,

a better promise,

a better sacrifice,

a better high priest,

a better resurrection.


Jesus is the model of faithful endurance.

We ‘run the race’ with Christian endurance;

you and I as individuals are always moving

toward our need for wholeness/shalom.

On our pilgrimage toward God,

we yearn to be in the presence of God.

The fulfillment of that desire is a lifelong journey,

a journey of faith.

Christ acted on our behalf.

Jesus was the first to attain faith’s goal,

presence of God and

Jesus makes it possible for others to have access.

So, you and I focus our attention to Jesus for guidance.

The true prophet,

speaking God’s word,

giving hope for the future,

knowing the promises of something better.

Our believing,

you and I taking action in the world

as Jesus’ disciples;

we do this by faith

as so many before us have done.

You and I will become part of the cloud of witnesses.

We reach for Shalom,

for peace,

for wholeness, and completeness,

for connections to our faith.

Shalom, my friends. Shalom.

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