Sunday, November 11, 2018

Seeking Security

The Sermon uses scriptures Ruth 3:1-5, 4:13-17 and Hebrews 9:24-28.  It was preached on November 11,, 2018 at Red Spring Presbyterian in Red Springs, NC.
Seeking Security


A few weeks ago, the two nationwide lottery jackpots

were in the news for both having big prize amounts. 

People began wondering what it would be like to win

hundreds of millions of dollars…

What would you do…

new house and car…vacations…

donations to your favorite charities and non-profits…

giving to your church and community…

gifts for family and friends…investments?

Why did so many people line up for the chance

to spend $2 and maybe receive millions in return?

My theory,

they were seeking security…financial security…

          never having to work again…

having money for their kid’s college education…

knowing they could afford a nice house…

not worrying about bills.

The allure of the lottery is about financial security

and the hope that it will buy other forms of ‘security’;

security -the state of being free from danger or threat.

What does security mean to you?

          Safety… Shelter…




What kind of security is important for us today?

          You and I hope for security/safety in our daily lives.

Today is Veteran’s day when we remember and honor

those who have served in order that we as a nation are safe.

Others serve our community to keep us safe…

          people from the fire department,

police officers, sheriff deputies, emts.

 These and others give of themselves to make others safe.

Yet, there are still things that we have no control over

which make us afraid, feel unsafe,

and threatens our sense of security.

Something like the synagogue shooting 2 weeks ago,

which brings up memories of the

Charleston church shooting from 3 years ago and

so many random acts of violence

that occur in our world today.

Where do you and I look for security?

 In the Book of Ruth,

          Naomi is seeking security for Ruth.

Naomi had urged Ruth to return to her mother’s home

          because Naomi had no further security to provide.

For women, security was found in marriage.

In Ruth 1, there are many losses,

          Naomi loses her husband and her sons;

          a widow has no legal status,

no power, even to provide for herself.

What had to be considered, was survival.

Ruth, gleaning fields is a means of survival.

Naomi works for,

you may even say ‘plots’ a way for

          Ruth to once again find security in marriage.

Naomi is the matchmaker for Ruth and Boaz

          and in chapter 4, the blessings of God,

          for both Ruth and Naomi are celebrated.

The birth of a son;

a child, a next of kin,

an assurance for the future.

When I read through Ruth as I prepared for today,

          it came to mind that on some basic level,

          the Book of Ruth, Naomi’s journey may be

          compared to Job.

Naomi has losses and blessings,

Job too experiences losses and restoration;

yet when they each complete their journey,

          they have more than they had before and

they have been transformed by what has happened to them.

Is that not how life is?

When each of us go through a loss or a change of circumstances,

          you and I are different than before…

          we have learned something…

          we have discovered our strengths and weaknesses…

          we have hope, faith, renewal and some form of restoration. 

Restoration is defined as

a return to a state that had once existed.

In the Old Testament restoration is used in reference to:

          return or to turn such as

          the captive Jews returning to their land after the exile.

In the New Testament it refers to:

          to re-establish or to restore, such as

          what Jesus can do for you and me;

The big picture: restoring the human/God relationship,

the cosmic connections to the primal state

before the sin of Adam and Eve.


That brings us to the passage from Hebrews…

          in the Old Testament.

          sacrifices, offerings to God,

were made for atonement,

for a hope of returning to favor,

for blessings,

a way of expressing faith,

 in hope of receiving and being thankful

for security.

How does God give us security?

The New Testament promises something better;

          purification through the death of Christ.

Jesus does not act like the high priest…

          the high priest enters the Holy Place year after year

 with blood that is not his own.

Jesus is the sacrifice

          to bear the sins of many.

Author, preacher, and theologian Thomas Long

explains in his commentary on Hebrews…

Jesus made a final and fitting sacrifice once. 

Jesus is not condemned to an eternity of crucifixions,

a ceaseless round of suffering, a never-ending and

always unfinished series of little atonements. No. 

Jesus is our Savior.

The Westminster Confession of Faith[1] tell us:


The Lord Jesus, by his perfect obedience and sacrifice

of himself, which he through the eternal Spirit once offered up unto God, hath fully satisfied the justice of his Father; and purchased not only reconciliation, but an everlasting inheritance in the kingdom of heaven, for all those whom the Father hath given unto him.[2]

Jesus is our Savior.

You and I seek security in this life;

in the Gospel of John, Jesus speaks as the Good Shepherd,

about his flock:

“I give them eternal life, and they will never perish.

 No one will snatch them out of my hand.”

Theologian Jean Calvin calls this eternal security:

          salvation will not be lost.

God is full of grace and mercy. ‘saving mercy’.

Jesus has atoned for our sins.            

One of the Psalms of David, Psalm 16,

          expresses trust and security in God…

          “Therefore, my heart is glad, and my soul rejoices;

my body also rests secure.

You show me the path of life,

 in your presence there is fullness of joy.”

We move from lament to rejoicing.

I remember a song from my youth,

a hymn learned at summer camp called Sabbath Prayer;

it extols the strengths of Ruth and Esther and

asks God for blessings and security…

May the Lord protect and defend you,

May He always shield you from shame,

May the Lord preserve you from pain;

Favor them, O Lord, with happiness and peace,

Oh, hear our sabbath prayer.

You and I will not find security in a lottery ticket,

          we cannot find security in something

that brings temporary safety,

          the allure of a quick fix or a momentary solution.

You and I know, we have security through our faith.

As the hymn we will sing together in a few moments goes,

Heir of salvation, purchase of God.”

You and I embrace the gift of eternal security,

the blessed assurance,

and act as witnesses to the Gospel.

Security through our faith; eternal security,

          God in his mercy sent

Jesus to reconcile,




          Jesus Christ is our sacrifice,




          The Holy Spirit inspires you and me to act in this world,

for the benefit of others,

those who need our care,

for the ones who cannot speak for themselves,

those in search of security like Naomi and Ruth.

We are blessed!

“Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine…

Echoes of mercy, whispers of love,

I in my Savior am happy and blest.”


[1] Book of Confessions, PCUSA
[2] Westminster Confession of Faith, 6.047

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