Sunday, December 31, 2017

Symphony of Praise

The Sermon uses scripture Psalm 148.  It was preached on December 31, 2017 at Lake City Presbyterian Church in Lake City, SC.
It incorporates part of a previous blog post, Ritual for a New Year. 

Symphony of Praise

Tomorrow begins the New Year: 2018.
We say goodbye to 2017,
and what a year it has been.
We look back at what has happened in the world,
     in our nation, our community,
     and in our individual lives.

How do you and I look at endings and beginnings?

the image of ‘father time and baby new year’

‘a page turning and a new chapter begins’

a door closes and a window opens’

out with the old / in with the new’

Of course with something new, there can be anxiety,

fear of the unknown,

apprehension, and uncertainty.

So perhaps a quote from T. S. Elliot

nay help us look at newness in a different way.

: “What we call the beginning is often the end.

And to make an end is to make a beginning.

The end is where we start from.”

The end is where we start from.

Starting at the end, that sounds to me like time for ‘reflection’

a time to see where we have been,

a time to look back at accomplishments

and disappointments,

a time to keep the good, and leave behind the sad.

We have to know where you and I have been

to know where we are going.

That is how you and I can find joy in the journey.

So we look at today as an ending

and tomorrow as a beginning.

Time to reflect on what has been and

time to look with hope to what is to come.

Let us start at the end.

A few years ago, a friend sent me ‘ritual for a new year’.

I have changed it a little and adapted it some

to be more that a secular ritual;

something that incorporates prayer, reflection,

and spiritual growth.

Here are the basics…

Start with a 10 - 15 minute time of meditation and prayer in which you set your attention on releasing the old and opening yourself to the new.

During this remember the scripture from Philippians 4:6:

Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.

Next on a piece of paper,

hand write a list of all the things in 2017

that you'd like to let go of.

This can include old patterns that don't serve you,

grudges or resentments you're hanging on to,

fears that hold you back, or

circumstances that you'd like to change.

Make sure your list is as complete as possible

with everything that didn't work for you in 2017.

If it's easy for you to burn the list, then you can do that.

If not, you can tear the list up in many pieces.

As you release this list,

imagine letting go of the energies that are represented

on your list.

Give these worries over to God.Now, on to creation.

Make a list of all that you wish to create for yourself in 2018. Include the habits you'd like to embrace,

the external circumstances you'd like to create,

and the internal experiences you'd like to have

(joy, freedom, ease, love, peace,

acceptance of all that is, etc.).

Be as specific as possible.
Read the list aloud (whether you're alone or with others). Speaking it out adds more energy to it.

Feel each item as though it's actually happened.

You can also read it as a form of prayer.

One final step:


And remember the scripture from Philippians 4:6

Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.

Save the list; put it in a special place.

Notice how you feel after doing this ritual

cleansed, lighter, renewed,
excited about what's ahead, hopeful.

That feeling of release, of joy, of hope…

That is what Psalm 148 is all about…

a psalm of praise.

All creation praising God;

lifting their voices in a symphony of praise.

Praise the Lord!

Praising God with joy!

This is a Hallelujah Psalm…

an invitation to all creation:

Mountains and all hills,

 fruit trees and all cedars!

and all creatures:

Wild animals and all cattle,
      creeping things and flying birds!

All are invited to join in praising the Lord!

From the heavens, a heavenly choir:

Praise him, all his angels;
     praise him, all his host!

From the earth, all creation:

Praise the Lord from the earth…

 his glory is above earth and heaven.

All people of the earth join in:

Kings of the earth and all peoples,
     princes and all rulers of the earth!

Young men and women alike,

old and young together!

Earth, heaven, sky, sea, creation, creatures, people…

all together in a symphony of praise!

Praise the Lord!

How is creation to answer the call to praise?

Let them praise the name of the Lord,
     for he commanded and they were created.

The first chapter of Genesis: God the Creator…

In the beginning

when God created the heavens and the earth…

And God said, “Let there be…






living creatures of sky, sea, and land,

and humankind.”

God proclaimed creation good;

and creation must respond with praise for its Creator.

join in the symphony of praise…

Praise the Lord!

How are you and I to answer the call to praise?

We can answer on behalf of all creation…

We embrace our God given gifts,

using the talents our Creator gave us;

We embody Jesus’ teachings and become disciples,

taking action as individuals and as a community of faith;

You and I proclaim our faith by our everyday actions

being guided by the Holy Spirit.

We live as Christians, not just on Sunday, everyday;

not just in the Christmas season…every season.

Psalm 148 is a Psalm appropriate to Christmas and Easter,

yet, also a psalm for all seasons.

join in the symphony of praise…

Praise the Lord!

We respond in praise because of our faith,

because we know God’s grace,

because Jesus is our Savior and Redeemer.

You and I respond in praise in love…

as God loves us,

we reach out to each other in love.

join in the symphony of praise…

Praise the Lord!

A final question…

How do you want to end 2017 and begin the New Year?

With worry? With fear?


With hope and joy?

Anxiety or anticipation?

Is it an ending or a beginning?

If the end is where we start from,

has this been a good end and

are we ready for something new?

In Henri Nouuwen's book:

Reaching Out: The Three Movements of the Spiritual Life,

he centers on 3 topics of change…

              Loneliness to solitude,

   Hostility to hospitality,

              Illusion of control to prayer.

Taking something old and

changing to something new and better.

Small steps leading to great joy.

And isn’t that our hope for the New Year?

Joy as we journey…

loving those around us…

embracing our relationship with God…

and answering the call with all of creation to

join in the symphony of praise…

Praise the Lord!


Let us pray…

Merciful God,

We have a desire to let things go,

To give our worries, doubts, and fears over to you.

Let it be as if we have placed them on a stone

which sinks to the bottom of a pond.

Lead us from:  Loneliness to solitude,

            Hostility to hospitality.

            Illusion of control to prayer.

Guide us on our path

and let us embrace the joys you bring our way.

Let it be as a flowing stream,

always bringing the new possibilities to us.

Thank you Lord.

As we rejoice and pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.

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