Sunday, February 12, 2017


Through recent discernment I have evaluated my gifts for ministry. 
 One of the most valuable is words. 
 Words of course are important; yet, they go beyond a basic form of communication. There must be a form, a phrasing of thoughts into concise and understandable purposes.

I have always been told I am a good listener and I have found that to be true. I value the words of others; I want to learn and understand their need, desire, or point of view. 
 Words are powerful. Think about what words do:
      tell the truth!
      spread the gospel!
      defend a position or person!
 Words are studied, read, written, heard, shared, and dreamed.

So how do I understand words and their relation to my ministry?
As I look over the leadership competencies here are the connections I see.

Communicator…active listening and presentation of information.
         Open ears to what others say. 
         Open heart and mind to possibilities.
         Open words to invite the conversation.

Compassionate…advocate for others because one cares.
           Listening to others words in order to understand.
          Reaching out to help.
          Soft words of pastoral care.

Hopeful…direction, guidance, and faith.
         Uplifting words.
         Helpful words.

Preaching & Worship leadership…communicate a clear message.
         Inspired words in a sermon.
         Prayerful words in worship.

Spiritual Maturity…faithfulness of purpose.
         Words of wisdom and experience.
         Quiet words between self and God.

Contextualization…understanding uniqueness.
          Kind words.

Decision Making…analysis, judgement, and choices.
          Suggestions and solutions.
          Balanced words.

Strategy and Vision…future possibilities.
          Imaginative and creative words.

Motivator…enables others.
          Being a resource.
Supportive words.

Self-differentiation…personal boundaries.
           Professional space.
           Gracious words.

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