Sunday, July 20, 2014

The Inescapable God

Prayer of Confession

Lord, God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob forgive us. We confess our brokenness to you.We try and fail in our everyday lives in living up to the promises you have given us. In our hearts we know you are always with us, but our actions do not always proclaim it. Grant us your forgiveness and guide us in your mercy to live a life of joy that leads us to be in your eternal presence. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

This is the text of the sermon from this morning.  The sermon came from Genesis 28:10-19a.  Supporting scripture included Psalm 139:1-12, Hebrews 11:1-3,8-12, and Luke 15:25-32.

"The Inescapable God" 

When I first read a scripture, especially a familiar one, I see a topic and think that is what I want to preach on. But then I study the scripture, read some commentaries, and change directions a little. "Oh, that is the real message of the scripture!" Then there is digging just a little deeper and other scriptures come into play. Finally I am at a completely unforeseen idea for the sermon.

I love this process, because I am discovering something new to me and I can’t wait to share that with you. So I am going to briefly take you on my journey with this Genesis passage.
What is going on? Why is Jacob on the road to Haran? 
What comes before this passage? Jacob has stolen his older brother’s birthright and blessing and is on the run from big brother Esau. Family conflict or maybe sibling rivalry -that could be the topic. Problems between siblings are all through the Bible from Cain and Abel to the prodigal son story. 
That must be the topic. 
But wait, no, what is happening in these specific verses?
Jacob’s dream, dream interpretation, what is the meaning of his dream? What symbols and hidden meanings can be discovered? 
No –not the direction to go. You may ask why not? It is because the dream, the fact that Jacob is dreaming, is not the important point. God is communicating with Jacob.
Yes, God communicates through many different ways and dreams are one of those ways, but the focus should not be the how, but what is being said, being promised
The angels, the ladder to heaven are all background, God appearing to Jacob and what he says is the focus.
First we do need to review Jacob’s current situation. 

He has deceived his father Isaac, stolen his brother Esau’s birthright and blessing, and has been encouraged to go on the run by his mother. Now instead of enjoying his newly acquired blessing, leading the family, and having his inheritance, Jacob is homeless and alone. 
He is in trouble and God can help; however, Jacob does not go seeking God. God comes to Jacob.
God does not abandon Jacob or withdraw the covenant made with Jacob’s family through Abraham because of Jacob’s less than honorable conduct. Instead God comes to Jacob in the dream. God is there! 
God addresses all of Jacob’s anxieties he carries in his heart.

Jacob is homeless and lonely; he will possess land and have numerous offspring.

Jacob is estranged from his family; he will not only have a family but will be the source of blessings for all families.

Jacob is on the run, from his family and from the consequences of his actions but he cannot run from God.

Jacob caries uncertainty of his tenuous status in the eyes of God. Yet there is assurance that God will be with him.

As we look at Psalm 139 which we read in our Call to Worship, you and I know God knows us!
"You know when I sit down and when I rise up; you discern my thoughts from far away."
Jacob may be on the run, but he cannot escape God. God knows Jacob.

"You search out my path and my lying down, and are acquainted with all my ways."God knows what Jacob has done; He knows Jacob is a trickster, a deceiver. Just as God knows we are sinners. Yet, God is always with us. Wherever we go God is there!

"Where can I go from your spirit?  Or where can I flee from your presence?"
God is inescapable. We do not hide from God, you and I are always in the presence of God.
In verses 13-15 in Genesis, God gives to Jacob an unconditional promise which includes 8 things:

-land "the land on which you lie I will give to you and to your offspring;"

-many descendants "and your offspring shall be like the dust of the earth,"

-generations spread throughout the land "and you shall spread abroad to the west and to the east and to the north and to the south;"

-extension of blessings to others through him "and all the families of the earth shall be blessed in you and in your offspring."

-God’s presence "Know that I am with you"

-God’s keeping "and will keep you wherever you go,"

-homecoming "and will bring you back to this land;"

-not leaving. "for I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you."

This is God’s unconditional promise to Jacob. God is not asking something of Jacob. He is not putting restrictions or requirements on this promise. God made this merciful and gracious action toward Jacob. God spoke to Jacob!
The father in the parable of the prodigal son is an example of God’s love for us. God forgives and rejoices. Our brokenness is taken by God and with unconditional love, promises are given.
Even when you and I feel separated from God, that is us, because God is always with us. ‘Know that I am with you and will keep you wherever you go.’
When Jacob awakens from the dream, the scripture says he was afraid, but he was also in awe, he was amazed and joyous.
"Surely the Lord is in this place—and I did not know it!"
God was there!God can be counted on to be faithful. Jacob need no longer wonder about God. God is a promise keeper and Jacob must be also.
God was with Jacob.  
God is with you and me. Wherever we go, whatever the situation, God is there! He does not abandon us,
desert us,
or leave us. God is there!
Through loneliness, despair, illness, challenges, and trials –God is there!
God knows us!
God loves us!
You and I are always in God’s presence!  And knowing this I feel (and hope you feel as well) as amazed and joyous as Jacob when he awoke from his dream at Bethel.


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