Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Discerning Your Call by the Numbers

Discerning my call to ministry continues.  Over the summer I came up with a way of putting some ideas on paper and trying to define it by the numbers.  This has helped me in determining if a church may be a good fit for me.

You see it is not all about whether a church sees me as a good fit;  I must see them as a good fit for me.  The Holy Spirit is working for both sides to make a good match.
Sometimes after an initial interview, I have known immediately, that was not the church for me; sometimes it takes prayer and contemplation to discern whether it is a good fit or not.

Discerning Your Call by the Numbers

40% Do I feel God is calling me to this church/community?
15% prayer
15% listening for answers from Holy Spirit
10% love

30% Do I feel this church/community is the place I could do the most good in my ministry?
10% needs of the church/community
10% working with the church leaders
10% ability to do the job*

30% Looking ahead at the next decade of my life, would I be happy?
10% living situation
10% Sabbath opportunities
10% practical, medical, and other needs
total 100%
~if total is under 65, do not take call
~hopefully total will at least be in the 80s
~if total is above 90, say yes!

*this number should be 9 or 10 (possibly 8 because of learning through first call) ~if number is under 8, do not take call.

©copyright by Leah E. Epps ~July 2019

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Art and Theology

Over the last 2 years I have discovered the joy of painting.  It is a spiritual practice for me.
Yet, it also goes beyond sabbath time, I see God in creativity.
I want to share some of this artwork and ask what theology you see in art and in the world around you...

Wherever you find God...a reminder, no matter the season...there is always joy along the journey...

Some are obvious theology...crosses...


scripture and biblical themes...

creation praises the creator
Psalm Sunday donkey

images of peace..


images of awe and contemplation...

God's creation...
cat in shadow
dog in shadow
mother's love
*all artwork was done at Olio Studio in Lake City, SC