You see it is not all about whether a church sees me as a good fit; I must see them as a good fit for me. The Holy Spirit is working for both sides to make a good match.
Sometimes after an initial interview, I have known immediately, that was not the church for me; sometimes it takes prayer and contemplation to discern whether it is a good fit or not.
Discerning Your Call by the Numbers
40% Do
I feel God is calling me to this church/community?
15% prayer15% listening for answers from Holy Spirit
10% love
10% needs of the church/community
10% working with the church leaders
10% ability to do the job*
30% Looking
ahead at the next decade of my life, would I be happy?
10% living
situation10% Sabbath opportunities
10% practical, medical, and other needs
total is under 65, do not take call
total will at least be in the 80s
total is above 90, say yes!
number should be 9 or 10 (possibly 8 because of learning through
first call) ~if number is under 8, do not take call.
©copyright by Leah
E. Epps ~July 2019