Sunday, January 27, 2019

Meditations of the Heart

The Sermon uses scriptures  Psalm 19.  It was preached on January 27, 2019 at Vespers Service at Presbyterian Communities in Florence, SC.

Meditations of the Heart

I love the Psalms;  

I love how they can speak to us about

            God’s love, forgiveness, and grace in our daily lives;

            they also proclaim the beauty of creation in

the world around us.

Psalm 19 shows us the balance between creation:    

The heavens declare the glory of God;

the skies proclaim the work of his hands.

and the law:

      The law of the Lord is perfect, refreshing the soul.

The psalmist sees a connection

in taking time to be in God’s creation and

 in finding delight in God’s law, the torah.

The first 6 verses concentrate on the greatness of creation.

Think of the wonders you and I see around us each day.

How do you and I see God's creation? 

For me, I have always connected with God through nature;

            when I need answers, a walk in the woods or a garden,

 gives me an opportunity to hear God’s voice.

I go to the woods to pray to hear God's voice on the breeze,

and to feel the quiet and peace that only nature can bring to my soul[1].

When you and I think of creation,

certain images may come to mind…

the garden of Eden,

a perfect place with unimaginable beauty

and abundance;

the vast ocean with horizons going on and on

and full of unseen life;

mountains reaching to the sky

as if they are pointing to heaven;

            and in the words of the psalmist about the sun:

                        “…rising is from the end of the heavens,

    and its circuit to the end of them;

    and nothing is hid from its heat.”

The sun and all of creation testifies to God.

In James Mays’ commentary on the Psalms,

he mentions the notion that

“…every created thing has the capacity of a creature

to acknowledge its originator.”[2]

Creation manifests the glory of its Creator and

silently bears witness to the Creator. 

In her writings, the 12th century abbess and prophetess

Hildegard of Bingen says we observe creation

through our senses:

            in seeing, to recognize all the world, 

in hearing, to understand, 

in smelling, to discern,

in tasting, to nurture,

in touching, to govern.

In this way humankind comes to know God,

for God is the author of all creation.[3]

When you and I stop to take in the world around us,  

we are given the gift of time: 

to take a breath,

to pause,

to thank our Creator. 

The psalmist offers more than connecting to God

through creation, the next verses discuss

the incomparable value of the law of the Lord.

There is beauty, not only in creation, but also in God’s law.

God’s sovereignty is proclaimed by cosmic voices and

the words of God are given to humankind in God's law.

Through the law, the torah,

 the Lord revives, enhances, and guides human life.

“The law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul;

the precepts of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart;

the commandment of the Lord is clear,

enlightening the eyes;”

Life depends on the law as much

as it depends on the daily rising of the sun.

We have been given a world to live in

and laws that guide us in our life. 

For the Israelites and the psalmist,

God’s guidance was in the words of the Torah;

            you and I can see the words of God throughout

all scriptures, Old and New Testament.

From creation

to the Ten Commandments,

from the wandering in the wilderness

to the exile and return,

from the wisdom of proverbs

to the prophecies of the prophets,

from the birth of a Savior

to the Resurrection of a Redeemer,

from the Disciples and Acts of the Apostles

to the Letters of Paul and the Revelation given to John,

God’s presence, mercy, love and grace is revealed to all.

In the final verses of Psalm 19, there is a prayer for God’s help.

The psalmist is seeking God’s pardon and restoration;

            he knows that the joy found in creation is not enough;

he knows he cannot be righteous through the Torah alone;

            it is all dependent on the Lord.

You and I have the very human need for

divine forgiveness and protection.

Through God there can be forgiveness;

love motivated God to create humankind and

bear the burden of human disobedience. 

The ultimate answer to the prayer is the Good News of Jesus,

our Savior and Redeemer.

Jesus, has power over creation,

            knows the law, the prophets, the words of the psalms, and

            embodies God’s love for humanity in word and deed.

Creation, the law, all reflect one truth…the love of God;

God’s love is manifested in the story of Israel,

in the life of the psalmist,

and in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus

 By embracing the world around us,

by examining how God’s laws influence and

guide our daily lives, and

by following the teachings of Jesus,

we know that life is full of possibilities…

            to connect and be in communion with God, 

            to listen to God, learn from the life of Jesus,

                        to have a meaningful and deep relationship 

with God and neighbor,

and to know the Holy Spirit is at work in the world.

The psalmist proclaimed the meditations of his heart

with the final words of the Psalm:

“O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.”

What does your heart and my heart say?

You and I can encounter God in creation, in the scriptures,

and in our daily lives.

We too have that capacity to let our heart speak,

confess to God,

admit our weaknesses,

and praise and give glory to our ‘rock and redeemer’.

 The psalmist knew he was dependent on God,

you and I know we have the same need for God’s help;

we cannot save ourselves.

We depend on help from others and we help others;

            we rely om a community of faith and fellowship;

            and most importantly with guidance from the Lord above, 

through the love of God, 

the resurrection of Jesus Christ,

and the power of the Holy Spirit.                   Amen.

[1] From poem I Go to the Woods to Pray by Leah E. Epps
[2] Interpretation, A Bible Commentary for Teaching and Preaching -Psalms by James L. Mays page 97
[3] Page 84, Praying with Hildegard of Bingen by Gloria Durka

Monday, January 21, 2019

What is Needed is Given

The scriptures were the Gospel of John 2:1-11, Isaiah 62:1-5, 1 Corinthians 12:1-11 and Psalm 36:5-10.   This is my first sermon where all 4 lectionary scriptures were used.  The sermon was preached on January 20, 2019 at Peace Presbyterian Church in Winterville, NC.

What is Needed is Given
What do you and I need?

There are the basic needs of life -food, water, shelter;

            then there are the needs we find within friendships,

relationships, and community -love, compassion, happiness;

and of course, spiritual needs -faith, hope, grace.

No matter what we need, God knows what it is and

            God gives us what is needed.

There is a divine hand at work in lives of individuals,

within a community, and for the world.

All 4 scriptures in the lectionary for today tie together with

            God knowing the need of the community and giving

            what is needed.

The final chapters in Isaiah tells of rebuilding the community;

those returning from exile are uncertain

about their claim to the land and their identity.

However, there is a divine plan.

            For Zion’s sake I will not keep silent,
                        and for Jerusalem’s sake I will not rest.

The opening verses of Isaiah 62

Isaiah expresses God’s continuing commitment to Israel;

it is not for the moment, it is for generations.

Isaiah compares the relationship to marriage:

You shall no more be termed Forsaken,
    and your land shall no more be termed Desolate;
but you shall be called My Delight Is in Her,
    and your land Married;
for the Lord delights in you,
    and your land shall be married.

Isaiah assures Israel of God’s love…

as the bridegroom rejoices over the bride,

so shall your God rejoice over you.

How wonderful!

            God rejoices over you!

            God gives love.

In our call to worship, we heard the words of Psalm 36:

            How precious is your steadfast love, O God!

God’s steadfast love{hesed} is mentioned throughout

the Old Testament and has many meanings





            all of these mixed together is steadfast love.

God’s steadfast love is God’s grace and mercy for all;

            in our need for forgiveness and deliverance,

God sent us a savior: Jesus.

Jesus, a gift for all.

God made flesh, God’s love embodied.

At the wedding at Cana, there is a miracle to behold.

You and I may not know how to respond

to the turning of water into wine;

it may seem like something that is not a great need.

In the big problems of life,

sickness, poverty, injustice,

where does running out of wine

fit on the scale of necessity?

It is about the water,

it is about the wine,

it is about God’s grace,

it is about the community,

and this miracle, as Jesus’ ministry begins,

has great importance and significance.


Water is essential for life.

Throughout John’s Gospel, water is important.

            John baptizing with water…

the one who sent me to baptize with water said to me, ‘He on whom you see the Spirit descend and remain is the one who baptizes with the Holy Spirit’

            the Samaritan woman at the well…

“…those who drink of the water that I will give them will never be thirsty. The water that I will give will become in them a spring of water gushing up to eternal life.”

            Jesus walking upon the water…

they saw Jesus walking on the sea and coming near the boat.

Water is for life, for rituals, for healings.

As I was reading for this week, I can across a saying,

a medieval ‘quip’ concerning the wedding at Cana:

“The water recognized its Creator and blushed.”


Wine is associated with celebrations.

Feasts, festivals, and celebrations

mean there is an abundance of food and wine.

In the Old Testament an abundance of wine is an

eschatological symbol,

a sign of Israel’s restoration,

the coming messianic age;

a sign of the joyous arrival of God’s new age;

the fulfillment of Israel’s hope for a coming age,

            God’s promised salvation.

Both the prophets Amos and Joel foresee the day when

“the mountains shall drip with sweet wine”.

When Jesus changes the water to wine,

            scarcity has become abundance.

This is the first sign,

a beginning,

            a sign of God’s presence among them;

            an extraordinary act of grace,

            a first glimpse of greater things to come.

God’s grace:

Grace in the New Testament can be compared

to God’s steadfast love in the Old Testament.

God’s love for humanity is why Jesus was sent to us;

            as a Brief Statement of Faith tells us…

God acts with justice and mercy to redeem creation.[1]

The familiar words in John’s Gospel proclaim:

            “For God so loved the world that he gave his only son,

so that everyone who believes in him may not perish

but may have eternal life. 

Indeed, God did not send the Son into the world

to condemn the world,

but in order that the world might be saved through him.”

God’s steadfast love, God’s grace

is manifested in Jesus’ actions at the wedding at Cana.

The glory of God is manifested through Jesus.

Turning water into wine

shows the power of God at work in daily life.

Abundance, extravagance is at the heart of the miracle,

            it exemplifies the abundance of gifts

available through Jesus Christ.

Abundance will again be demonstrated in John 6

when the 5,000 are fed.

God’s grace gives us more than what is simply needed;

            what is need for the individuial,

for the community, and for the world.


What do we know about Cana?

Not a lot… it is only mentioned in John’s Gospel,

            it is a village of no special significance,

            a typical community in Galilee.

Yet, it is the place where there is a transition for Jesus.

He tells his mother…

            My hour has not yet come.”

With his instruction to the servants, his hour has arrived.

It is God’s time to be revealed through Jesus  

and to show the many gifts God has to offer through him.

It also signifies the beginning of something new,

            it is not a rejection nor a replacement of the old,

            but a new creation -new life, new hope.

What did water being turned to wine mean for the community

gathered at the wedding celebration?

A need is fulfilled;

a simple need in the day to day lives of the people of Cana.

The steward is the witness to the miracle,

not knowing where the wine has come from,

he says to the bridegroom…

“Everyone serves the good wine first, and then

the inferior wine after the guests have become drunk.

But you have kept the good wine until now.”

The wine is good. 

The wine is abundant.

The community has received a gift;

            God’s grace and glory is revealed.

In Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians,

he is concerned about the community.

The discussion is on spiritual gifts

and there is evidently arguing concerning

who has the greater gift.

Paul recognizes the diversity of these gifts,

 given by the Holy Spirit;

there is an abundance of gifts

and even though they are all different,

they are all equally given by God.

These variety of the gifts, this abundance of good,

is for the benefit of the community.   

Each individual’s gift benefits all,

many gifts, one spirit;

many members all work together as part of

the body of Christ.

Tomorrow we remember Martin Luther King Jr.

 and his dream, a hope for the future.

In his words from the I Have a Dream speech…

            I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted, every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places will be made plain, and the crooked places will be made straight, and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together.  This is our hope.[2]

He looked for faith, hope, brotherhood,

            to be able to work, pray, and struggle together.

Just as Paul saw gifts benefiting the whole community…

            King’s dream was about hope for a better community,

a better world.

So a few question for you and me to ponder…

            When have we encountered God’s steadfast love?

            How has God’s grace affected our lives?

            What does abundance mean in daily life?

            How has the Holy Spirit blessed you and me with gifts?

            Where can we use these spiritual gifts

to benefit the community?

The answers are for each of us as individuals to discern.



proclaim…whatever your gift is, use it

to glorify God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Once more, words from the Brief Statement of Faith…

            In gratitude to God, empowered by the Spirit,

we strive to serve Christ in our daily tasks

 and to live holy and joyful lives…[3]    Amen.

[2] Martin Luther King Jr I Have a Dream
[3] Brief Statement of Faith, PCUSA Book of Confessions (11.2lines 72-74)