As we mourn….
Hold her in your hand, O Lord.
Put your hand upon our shoulder,
Let us weep and mourn our friend;
A friend of generous heart and faith,
Who touched the lives of all she knew.
Let tears flow as memories come
Of smiles, laughter, and sunny days,
Of hugs, support, and crying times,
Of hope and faith.
Hold her in your heart, O God.
Help wipe our tears away,
Let us celebrate the joy of our friend;
One whose light shines anew,
And watches what we now do.
Let faith and hope appear again
In plans that only you do know,
And in the grace and peace you give,
Guide us in our journeys onward still.
Bless Shannel, O Father, as we mourn.
We know, she is in your light.
And once again in time to come,
We will see our friend again.
We pray in your Son’s name, Jesus Christ,
The resurrection and the light.